Musical collaboration with partner Austin Hughes and his band mates: Damon Whittemore & Jeff Mercel The project’s first single has just been released for summer (full album release slated for fall!)
Featured writer/illustrator in the inaugural issue of TAP The American Psychoanalyst magazine. Read the article here:
Official Selection of the Ceres Food Film Festival October 13-19, 2023! A profile of a maverick, John McFadden, stewarding his family's legacy, Staubitz Market - NYC's oldest butcher shop, at 106 years young, it is a precarious balancing act to preserve the tradition of excellence - supporting ethical, local, & sustainable food chain, against the mounting struggles of the small family-owned business
SOLD!!!! An original character design study print to benefit children’s arts education @cmainnyc on @artsy
Official selection from Children's Museum of the Arts' Creative Space series: ACQ Bread Studio -WINNER " Most Creative Food Doc" makes its world premiere at the Ceres Film Festival October 19th, 2022 at 6pm, post-screening panel 7:30Pm
Tati Nguyen: Recipient of the Asian American Artists’ Alliance community micro grant- WHAT CAN WE DO - leveraging creativity to address aggression & violence against the AAPI community. support from both the Asian American Artists’ Alliance (@aaartsalliance) & The Children’s Museum of the Art’s (@cmainnyc) to support NYC’s #AAPI community. Funded by @aafederation. Allyship, what coming together can achieve!
Tati Nguyen chosen for Artist-Educators in Residence inaugural program by Children's Museum of the Arts NYC
Heat, Chaos & Survival screens at Faces of Hunger International Film Fest
Heat, Chaos & Survival has been selected for the official shortlist at the Faces of Hunger international Film Festival! October 15th - October 19th 2021 for schedule and more details:
Tati Nguyen featured in the Here On Earth guest speaker series
Tati Nguyen guest speaker for AAPI's BrunchXTalk series